2021 Grant Champions and Their Causes

OGRCC 2021 1st

1st Prize, $50,000 (plus a $25,000 Match):


Grant Champions: Emily Goodman, Stefanie Morin, Sarah Sippel

The Pitch:  The OGRCC Child Care Program was established to operate at 3 schools in Greenwich, providing a stimulating (licensed) after school program for single family households to low income families in Greenwich.  Our PYP Grant will help expand these offerings, providing more to more families.

2nd Place United Way

2nd Prize, $20,000 (plus a $20,000 Match):

Greenwich United Way

Grant Champions: Graci Djuranovic and Karen Hopp

The Pitch:  100% of the money won by Grant Champions Graci and Karen will go directly to support Early Childhood Achievement Gap Solutions (ECAGS) at United Way.

3rd Place greenwich Botanical Center

3rd Prize: $6000 (plus a $6000 Match):

Greenwich Botanical Center

Grant Champions: Nina Lindia and Meredith Shames

The Pitch:  Our PYP Greenwich grant will be used by the Greenwich Botanical Center to pay the salary/hours for much needed leadership staff, so the GBC may expand their offerings AND increase the amount of people that benefit from them.