2020 Grant Champions and Their Causes

1st Prize of a $45,000 Grant went to YWCA Domestic Abuse Programs

The Pitch:

Greenwich Empowering local Children, Adults, Families, and Communities to Realize Their Potential

Providing vital funds to respond to major uptick in need over quarantine to critical YWCA Domestic Abuse Services.

For more information visit: https://ywcagreenwich.org/

PYP Grant Champions:

Emily Goodman and Manon DeFelice

2nd Prize of a $20,000 Grant went to PACS1 Research Foundation

The Pitch:

Funding the PACS1 lab and continuing promising new research that could help unlock clues to curing many rare (and underfunded) diseases.

For more information visit: https://www.pacs1foundation.org/

PYP Grant Champions:

Taruna Reddy and Monica Huang

3rd Prize of a $6,000 Grant went to Girls With Impact

The Pitch:

Underwriting costs for girls in need in Greenwich to attend the GWI high-value on-line Entrepreneurship Academy

For more information visit: https://www.girlswithimpact.org/

PYP Grant Champions:

Gia Burton, Courtney Murphy and Kerry Murphy

4th Prize of a $1,000 Grant went to Special Education Legal Fund

The Pitch:

Giving targeted support for Greenwich families in need of legal assistance and advocacy for their special needs children

For more information visit: https://spedlegalfund.org/

PYP Grant Champion:

Ulrika Drinkall