Cheryl Floyd and Vicki Deppoliti, Pitch Your Peers (PYP) board members and chairs of community outreach and initiatives, designed a one-of-a-kind, fun and effective collection drive for Neighbor to Neighbor, exclusively for PYP Greenwich members.
PYP’s very first Supply the Demand effort “Head or Tails” teamed up with Neighbor to Neighbor to cover women and children from Head to Tail over the holidays and beyond.

There are 600 families living in Greenwich that Neighbor to Neighbor supports.
These families are living below the poverty line and must make “Heads or Tails” of which basic needs they can buy and which they must go without.
Heads: There are 450 children in these families that Neighbor to Neighbor supports, and nearly all of them lack basic winter layers, including warm winter hats.
Tails: There are around 450 females that need help buying feminine hygiene products.
• 1 in 4 females misses work or school because they do not have feminine hygiene products during their period
• 1 in 5 females use “substitutes” such as toilet paper, socks and washcloths
PYP members were invited to choose what end (Heads or Tails?) to cover over the holiday season over a 6-week donation drive.
They dropped off physical donations of winter hats and hygiene products at a designated member’s house, and/or donated directly to PYP’s dedicated Venmo account, @PYPSupplyTheDemand.
When PYP posted the Venmo on their Instagram @pitchyourpeers, they were thrilled that members of the larger Greenwich community “PYPed up” and gave as well.
All in they raised $3,000 and collected countless boxes of products. Floyd and Deppoliti, also co-owner’s of a local and on-line boutique, Too Sparrows (, then used their wholesale purchasing power to stretch 100% of those Venmo dollars into several shipments of pads, tampons, and other feminine hygiene products that could SUPPLY this DEMAND for NtoN for the rest of the year.
When asked how to make heads or tails of the immediate and impactful support that PYP Greenwich women brought to their first Supply the Demand project, Floyd and Deppoliti said they were “pumped.”
“With humility and gratitude we stretched our dollar to the max, and the honor is truly ours,” the co-chairs said. “The fires are stoked and we promise to keep the passion going into our next project, harnessing the power of collaborative giving that is so evident in this amazing membership of Greenwich women.”
On Instagram, Neighbor to Neighbor posted: “We know how expensive these products are to our neighbors. To be able to help relieve this financial burden from our families is truly a wonderful gift. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, NtoN! We can’t help but ask…which local Demand will PYP Supply next?” Floyd and Deppoliti replied.